Title: Damian Flanagan
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     Damian Flanagan

This is the official Web site of author and critic Damian Flanagan
Yukio Mishima Three Cornered World 'Tower of London' Kokoro 'The Gate' Tower of London Nihonjin ga shiranai Natsume Soseki Nihonjin ga shiranai Natsume Soseki Scandal 

Damian Flanagan is a writer and literary critic, a property entrepreneur and expert on Japan. He has written several books on Japanese literature and writes articles on culture, literature, property and travel for newspapers around the world.

He was the first Westerner to publish a book in Japanese (日本人が知らない夏目漱石) on celebrated Japanese author Natsume Soseki (1867-1916) and his translation of Soseki's writings on Britain (The Tower of London: Tales of Victorian London) won a Japan-US Friendship Commission Prize for the Translation of Japanese Literature. Click here for an introduction to the book.

His third book, also in Japanese, was Natsume Soseki: Superstar of World Literature. He has also contributed lengthy critical introductions to recent editions of Soseki's masterpieces, The Three Cornered World, The Gate and Kokoro as well as to Shusaku Endo's novel Scandal.

His most recent book is a biography of Yukio Mishima, the most internationally renowned Japanese author of the 20th century. 

His articles on politics, property, art and society have appeared in numerous international magazines and newspapers including The Sunday Times, The Times Literary Supplement, The Daily Express in the UK, the Irish Times, the Sun Herald in Australia, Newsweek, The Japan Times, The Asahi Shinbun and the Nihon Keizai Shinbun. Damian has appeared on various BBC radio and UK TV shows including Nightwaves, Open Book and The World Today.

Welcome to his world.


BBC 1 Damian Flanagan The   video from Damian's appearance on BBC1's The Big Questions  from March 3rd 2019 can be viewed here. Damian was asked to comment on the question, 'Has Britain become a less tolerant society?'.

Times Literary Supplement Podcast Damian's contribution to the Times Literary Supplement's podcast: Freedom, Books, Flowers and the Moon speaking on the topic of Yukio Mishima can be heard here. Damian speaks from 32:40 in.

And these are Damian's recent articles and critical reviews.

More of Damian's talks on Youtube:

          Youtube Natsume Soseki A Literary Odyssey        Youtube Natsume Soseki Damian Flanagan       Damian Flanagan Mishima
             'Soseki: A Literary Odyssey'   'Gould and Soseki'         'Yukio Mishima'


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